The Skinny on Liposuction

The skinny on Liposuction

The skinny on Liposuction


Liposuction allows the surgeon to reshape areas of the body that have excess fat deposits. The procedure improves the body’s contours.

Liposuction is the second most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the United States. In 2015 over 220,000 liposuction procedures were performed. This is up 5% from 2014. I have performed thousands of liposuction procedures over the course of my career, and it remains one of the most in demand procedures in my practice.


Who is a good candidate for liposuction?

Liposuction is for patients who are at or near their ideal weight.  These patients have areas of their body where stubborn fat pockets remain despite following healthy diet and exercise routine. It is not a solution to obesity or a weight loss procedure. Common areas treated are the abdomen, inner and or outer thighs, arms, lower and or upper back, inside knees, or even the face and neck.

The ideal candidate will also be:

-Physically fit

-In good health

-No more than 25 lbs overweight

-Have realistic expectations


What to expect during your consultation?

During your consultation I will review your medical history and look at what medications that you are taking.  We will discuss your goals and expectations. We will also discuss the procedure itself. I will candidly talk to you about the risks associated with this procedure and answer any questions that you might have.  I will also do an exam to look at the areas to be addressed. My office staff will then talk to you about the fees and various payment options.


Where is the surgery performed?

Patient safety is always my top priority, this is why I perform my liposuction procedures in the surgery center at Kadlec Regional Medical Center. Kadlec’s surgery center is certified, so patients can be assured that it is a clean, sterile facility. Patients can also be assured that the support staff assisting in the surgery are trained, knowledgeable and certified. For additional patient safety, a certified anesthetist will administer your anesthesia.


What are the risks?

All surgical procedures carry risks, whether you are having cosmetic surgery or a knee replacement. Though complication are rare, patients need to be aware that risk does exist. Some risks associated with liposuction are blood clots and fat emboli. Be wary of a surgeon who tries to tell you there is no risk associated with surgery, this would be a red flag. Patients should be assured that in Kadlec’s surgery center,  they are in the safest type of facility should any issues arise.


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