Tummy Tuck-Are you a good candidate?

Everyone seems to have something they would change about their bodies. It seems like achieving a flatter tummy is high on the list. Despite sticking to a diet plan and exercise routine, sometimes a little extra help is needed. Say hello to the Tummy Tuck.  It is one of the most popular elective surgeries that I do. In the past 25 years I  have performed many Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty) surgeries in the Tri Cities. My patients include both men and woman. These patients include those who have lost weight and are left with loose skin on their abdomen, mothers who after childbirth have loose skin and stretched or separated abdominal muscles, or patients who are at their optimal weight, exercise regularly, but still have a belly.


Who is a good candidate for a Tummy Tuck? 

A Tummy Tuck is not a weight loss procedure but instead addresses stubborn areas that diet and exercise have not been able to get to. The ideal Tummy Tuck candidate will be in relatively good shape but want to refine their abdomen. This is not to say that someone who is not in optimal physical shape is excluded from being eligible for this surgery, but it is important for these patients to have realistic expectations and understand that they will not end up with optimal results. I tell my patients that if  they are planning on losing weight or becoming pregnant, I recommend that they wait until your body size and weight stabilize before undergoing the surgery.

Are you in good health?:

It is also important for patients to disclose their medical history during the consultation. It is imperative for potential patients to be honest when about their medical history for their safety. Be prepared to disclose what surgeries your have had in the past, what medications you are on and what medical conditions you have or have had. Additionally you will be asked if you are or have been a smoker or are taking any herbal remedies.

Common myth about Tummy Tucks:

One common myth I hear during consultations is that a Tummy Tuck and liposuction are the same thing and are interchangeable. This is untrue. The two procedures address different things. While liposuction of the abdomen removes excess fat deposits it does not address the skin or ‘pooch’ that is left behind. Liposuction also does not address the muscle separation that often results from pregnancy. A Tummy Tuck contours the physique. It tightens the skin and muscles of the abdomen. It is designed to remove excess sagging skin and correct abdominal muscle separation.

The Tummy Tuck surgery:

A Tummy Tuck is a major surgical procedure. It is therefore important that my patients have an understanding of the process and what to expect. The Tummy Tuck procedure involves making an incision just above the pubic hairline and then removing excess skin and fat. The incision is placed well below the panty line so that it can be easily concealed with underwear or a bathing suit. The skin of the abdomen is then pulled down tight, and sutured back together and if the patient has abdominal muscle separation, this is corrected.

If you would like more information about the Tummy Tuck procedure or would like to schedule a consultation, please call our office at: 509-942-3190.



Winter is a great time for Cosmetic Surgery.


Winter is a great time for cosmetic surgery. 


Winter is here and baby it’s cold outside! This Winter has been uncharacteristically cold and snowy for the Tri-Cities. I’ve been here almost 9 years and I’ve never seen anything like it. But there is good news! Winter is a great time to get cosmetic surgery procedures done!


Here’s why:

Winter clothing aka the big cover up.

Some of my patients want to tell everyone they know about their cosmetic surgery procedures. Other patients like to be discreet and keep it quiet. For the first week or two after surgery patients can easily stay covered up and hide swelling, bruising, bandages, stitches, drains and/or compression garments. The loose baggy clothing of winter is ideal for patients who want to keep their lips sealed.


Has anybody seen the sun? 

Keeping incision sites out of the sun is important, therefore, less sun is better for wound healing. Just a short amount of time in the sun can cause a pink incision to become darker.


No one is going to ask you to throw on a bikini-yet

After surgery it can take several weeks for most of the swelling from surgery to subside. When bikini season finally does roll around, ta-da, you will be ready to peel off the layers and reveal the new you!


The ever popular Mommy Makeover


The Mommy Makeover


A big section of my practice is devoted to Mommy Makeovers. What I hear from my patients is that despite returning to their pre-baby weight and sticking to a healthy diet and exercise regimen, they have become discouraged because their body is not returning to what it once was. Since they are not happy with the way they look, their self-esteem and confidence has been eroded. Pregnancy changes a woman’s body. Particularly the breast and tummy areas. During pregnancy it is normal to gain weight. The breasts become larger which stretches out the skin. The result is that once the pregnancy weight has been shed the breasts will have often lost their fullness and be left saggy. The abdomen also becomes larger during pregnancy, and the skin here becomes stretched out too. Additionally, the muscles of the abdomen may separate which is known as known as diastasis recti. Once the pregnancy weight has been shed there will often be a lot of loose saggy skin left over.

The Mommy Makeover isn’t just one procedure. It’s a combination of procedures to bring the body back to the shape it was pre-pregnancy.The two procedures that generally make up a Mommy Makeover are the breast lift and the tummy tuck. The breast lift will return the breast to it’s pre -pregnancy contour. With a breast lift, sometimes patients will choose to have a breast lift with implants. The tummy tuck procedure will address the loose skin left on the abdomen. An incision will be made below the bikini line and the loose skin will be pulled tight. If my patients have had their abdominal muscles separate during pregnancy, then I can tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall during the surgery.

Roughly 325,000 Mommy Makeovers are performed each year. My patient’s who come to me for Mommy Makeovers are women who are devoted to their children and their families. They give of themselves on a daily basis and rarely put themselves first.  They’ve come to me because they’ve decided to do something nice for themselves.

   If you would like to schedule a consultation give our office a call at 509-942-3190.



What this Plastic Surgeon wants you to know about Breast Augmentation surgery.

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation



Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most common surgeries that I perform. In the past 25 years I have done thousands of augmentations.

Here are some things I’ve learned.

Women seek breast augmentation surgery for several reasons. They may want to restore breast volume that has been lost as a result of pregnancy and breast feeding. They may want to restore volume after major weight loss. They may want to balance out breasts that are two different sizes. They may want to augment underdeveloped breasts. They may have had a mastectomy and are seeking to reconstruct their breast or breasts. Whatever the goal, each of my patients has their own set of reasons that is unique and personal to them.

The benefits of a breast augmentation often goes far beyond just appearance. It can go a long way in boosting self-esteem. Such psychological effects are immeasurable. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons found that breast augmentation surgery has a 95% satisfaction rate. Read more

body procedures

Are you bikini ready?


The days are getting longer. It’s starting to heat up again in the Tri-Cities. This means bathing suit season is just around the corner. Are you ready? Or do you dread the season of exposed skin. As hot as it gets in the Tri-Cities in the summer, it’s impossible not to show some skin. It’s the season of sleeveless shirts and exposed arms or shorts showing off legs. Does the thought of someone asking you to don a bathing suit and go for a swim fill you with dread? This time of year everyone seems to be hitting the gym and dieting in anticipation of soon wearing  tank tops, sun dresses and bathing suits. But diet and exercise can only go so far, which is why I always have a surge of patients seeking cosmetic surgery procedures at this time of year. The most popular procedures I see requested in the Spring are breast augmentation, tummy tuck and liposuction. The timing is perfect if you want to debut your new look at that 4th of July barbecue.

I love hearing stories from my patients about how their cosmetic surgeries have impacted their lives for the better.  I had one patient who had a long overdue mommy makeover last Spring. Before her surgery, Spring was the most dreaded time of the year for her, because it meant shopping and trying on bathing suits. She told me about being in the fitting room and not wanting to look at herself in the mirror. The more covered up she could get the better. She always went home from those swim suit shopping trips feeling deflated and bad about herself.  But last Spring was different. Last Spring she had had a Mommy Makeover. Last Spring she couldn’t wait to go swim suit shopping. Last Spring when she tried on swim suits she found herself dancing in front of the fitting room mirror. Forget the swim suits that were supposed to minimize the waist that she would have to pull and tug herself into. Forget the skirted suit made to cover up her legs. She had reclaimed her girlish figure, and for the first time in 20 years, she was on the hunt for a bikini.


